Tuesday, May 08, 2018


WEDNESDAY, 6th Week of Easter

May 9, 2018 – WEDNESDAY, 6th Week of Easter

St. Louise de Marillac, Religious



Acts 17: 15, 22 - 18: 1 I Jn 16: 12 - 15


French religious St. Louise de Marillac (1591 -1660) co-founded the Company of the Daughters of Charity with St. Vincent de Paul (1581 - 1660) in 1553. The Daughters of Charity received official approbation in 1855.


FROM THE 1ST READING:             Acts 17: 22 -23, 32- 34a

Then Paul stood up in the Areopagus hall and said, "Athenian citizens, I note that in every way you are very religious. As I walked around looking at your shrines, I even discovered an altar with this inscription: To an unknown God. Now, what you worship as unknown I intend to make known to you....


When they heard Paul speak of a resurrection from death, some made fun of him, while others said, "We must hear you on this topic some other time." At that point Paul left. But a few did join him, and believed.


GOSPEL READING:           Jn 16: 12- 15

Jesus said, "I still have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear them now. When he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into the whole truth.


"He has nothing to say of himself but he will speak of what he hears, and he will tell you of the things to come. He will take what is mine and make it known to you; in doing this, he will glorify me. All that the Father has is mine; because of this I have just told you, that the Spirit will take what is mine and make it known to you."



In the first reading we hear about Paul's failure in his preaching the Good News in Athens.


Today's Gospel reading speaks of the role of the Holy Spirit: "he will guide you into the whole truth."


Jesus was speaking at his farewell discourse to his Apostles on the night before he died: when he spoke about the sending of the Holy Spirit, were the Apostles reassured? Jesus told them he would leave them but the Spirit will come to them: "From the Father I will send you the Spirit of truth. When the Helper comes from the Father, he will be my witness" (Jn 15: 26) "It is better for you that I go away, because as long as I do not leave, the Helper will not come to you." (Jn 16: 7)


Though seemingly abstract at times, the Holy Spirit is indeed present in our lives. The descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles on the first Pentecost turned the frightened apostles into courageous preachers of the Good News of the risen Jesus.

The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is manifested by the gifts of the Holy Spirit: "But the fruit of the Spirit is charity, joy and peace, patience, understanding of others, kindness and fidelity, gentleness and self-control." (Gal 5: 22 - 23) Such virtues spring from the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.


We pray, "0 God, who have taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that in the same Spirit we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in his consolation."





     Fr. Adolfo N. Dacanay S.J.

     Cynthia C. Jose

     Cora Morando

     Mae Ange!eth M. Silang

     Gilbert Son



     Fr. Horacia V. de/a Costa S.J.

     Mrs. Josefa Soria Ferrer

     Amparo Etcubanes Tan

     Florida Uytengsu Young


Finally, we pray for one another, for those who have asked our prayers and for those who need our prayers the most. 


Have a good day!



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