Wednesday, September 26, 2007
HAGGAI 1:1-8
On the first day of the sixth month in the second year of King
Darius, The word of the LORD came through the prophet Haggai to the
governor of Judah, Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, and to the high
priest Joshua, son of Jehozadak: Thus says the LORD of hosts: This
people says: "The time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the
LORD." (Then this word of the LORD came through Haggai, the prophet:)
Is it time for you to dwell in your own paneled houses, while this
house lies in ruins? Now thus says the LORD of hosts: Consider your
ways! You have sown much, but have brought in little; you have eaten,
but have not been satisfied; You have drunk, but have not been
exhilarated; have clothed yourselves, but not been warmed; And
whoever earned wages earned them for a bag with holes in it. Thus
says the LORD of hosts: Consider your ways! Go up into the hill
country; bring timber, and build the house That I may take pleasure
in it and receive my glory, says the LORD.
LUKE 9:7-9
Herod the tetrarch heard about all that was happening, and he was
greatly perplexed because some were saying, "John has been raised
from the dead"; others were saying, "Elijah has appeared"; still
others, "One of the ancient prophets has arisen." But Herod
said, "John I beheaded. Who then is this about whom I hear such
things?" And he kept trying to see him.
Luke tells us that Herod wanted to see Jesus out of mere curiosity.
Herod was not interested in seeing whether Jesus was truly a prophet,
perhaps even the Messiah. There are many people like Herod who are
interested in Jesus, only as a curiosity, or they just go with the
crowd. There are other people who really wish to see Jesus, only
they don't know how to get close to him.
What is our interest in Jesus like? Is it shallow, merely a
curiosity to know him historically? Do we seek to know Jesus as
Savior, as Lord, as the Son of God? What does Jesus mean to us in
our everyday lives? Is Jesus real to us, not only as the Risen Lord
in heaven, "but in the Eucharist, in the Gospels, in the Church, in
people?" What would we answer if a non-Christian asked us: "Who is
this man, about whom I have heard all these reports?"
As we live our lives daily, we meet different kinds of people, the
bored, the indifferent, the hopeful. As Christians, it is our task
to introduce Christ to all of them and help them to enjoy the peace
of the Truth of Christ. In order to do this, we must know Christ
very well ourselves. Let us enrich ourselves with the knowledge of
God so that we may also tell others of him.
We pray ...
... for a deep and profound respect for life, especially for the
... for the strength, healing and speedy recovery of:
- Damaso Guevara
- Marietta Climaco
- Lilian Kahn
... for the personal intentions of:
- Guevara family
- San Juan de Dios Hospital
- Jasmin, Pe Family
- Pauline
... for the eternal repose of the souls of
- Angel
- Macrina Tuason Aro
- Damaso R. Aguilar
Eternal rest grant unto them and may perpetual light shine upon them.
May they and all the dearly departed rest in peace.
... for all the prayer intentions in the MTQ Dailyprayer Diary.
- Birthday: Charito Nañagas
- Birthday: Dra. Bubut
- Wedding Anniversary: Baby & Ben Dizon
- Wedding Anniversary: Cristino/Elizabeth Lim
... for world peace and reconciliation.
Finally, we pray for one another, for those who have asked our
prayers and for those who need our prayers the most.
Have a good day!
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