Monday, June 13, 2005
LUKE 9:18-22
Intellectual adherence to a statement about who Jesus is, however, falls short of the answer Jesus is seeking. Faith in the person of Jesus rather than in a statement about who he is, demands a personal commitment to him.
The question, "Who do you say I am?" is really asking Peter and the apostles, "Who am I to you . . ." "Who am I in your lives?" The real question is, "Are you committed to me?"
And so Luke brings up the question of Jesus' Passion. Note that here Luke has Jesus talking not only to the Apostles, but to all the crowd, to all his disciples down through the ages. Belief and commitment to Jesus means taking up the cross daily and following him. It means therefore total obedience to the Father, total commitment to the Father's will. We may not understand the reason why suffering and death are necessary for salvation, but our commitment to Jesus and his Father's will does not ask such a question, it simply says, "Amen."