Sunday, June 12, 2005


LUKE 6:39-42

The Palestinians of Jesus' day were very casual about unfenced wells, cisterns and quarries. Jesus draws the picture of a foolish blind man who attempts to lead an equally blind companion. They might both fall into a well.

Jesus then draws a second picture, of a person who has a little speck in his eye. A friend is trying to remove the speck but he`s having trouble. His own vision is blocked by a large plank of wood in his eye.

Imagine what a political cartoonist could do with either of these images, caricaturing one of our pompous politicians.

Jesus probably had a gently sarcastic or ironic smile playing about the corners of his mouth, as he told these two little parables. He was using humor to get across a rather serious truth about Christian living.

Some Christians are convinced that God has appointed them teachers to all others Christians. They constantly want to impose their Christianity on others, making of themselves impossible nuisances.

Jesus is saying here, "Don't try t lead another person's life for him or her. You are as blind as the companion you are trying to lead. Do not worry about the speck in your companion's eye. Concentrate on your own glaring faults. Pull that plank out of your own eye.

It's good advice.

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