Saturday, June 18, 2005
LUKE 14:25-33
The cost of Christian discipleship can be very high. Loyalty to Christ and his values, according to today's gospel, must be placed even before loyalty to one's family. To accept discipleship, according to this gospel, is to accept the possibility of the cross: the possibility of rejection by family and friends, even the possibility of loss of life. Anyone who is unwilling to accept Christ's cross, again according to this gospel, cannot be his disciple.
It's time for us to reflect on the quality of our Christian discipleship. Do we put limits on our commitment to Christ. "I'm loyal to you, Lord, but please don't ask me to give you my health or my life, don't ask me to sacrifice my little luxuries, don't ask me to give my time, my energy, my efforts."
We have to ask ourselves about the quality of our discipleship. Am I a disciple only when discipleship makes no demands of me? Or is my loyalty and my commitment to Christ the most important thing in my life?
"Lord, may your love consume me and transform my life that I may truly desire nothing more than life with you. Help me to count the cost and to joyfully embrace discipleship for your sake."