Saturday, June 18, 2005
LUKE 14:1-6
Luke, the physician and keen observer of the human condition, notes the disposition of the Pharisees as they bring Jesus into their table fellowship. Body language often communicates more truthfully than words. Luke says the scribes and Pharisees were watching Jesus, no doubt with great suspicion. They wanted to catch Jesus in the act of breaking the Sabbath ritual so they might accuse him of breaking God's law. Jesus' attention and affection, however, was fixed on meeting the needs of a man who had dropsy. How did such a pitiable man get into this dinner party? In the hot, arid climate of Palestine, homes were open and people freely dropped in without much ado. It would be uncharitable to exclude beggars. And if a rabbi came to dinner, it would be expected for him to speak a few words. So, famous rabbis obviously drew crowds wherever they went.
Jesus already knew that his hosts wanted to catch him in the act of breaking their Sabbath rituals. So when Jesus gave his defense, they treated him with cold silence. They were ensnared in their own legalism and could not understand or see the purpose of God. Why did God give the commandment to keep holy the Sabbath and enjoined his people to refrain from work on that day? The "Sabbath rest" was meant to be a time to remember and celebrate God's goodness and the goodness of his works, both in creation and redemption. It was a day set apart for the praise of God, his work of creation, and his saving actions on our behalf. It was intended to bring everyday work to a halt and to provide needed rest and refreshment. It was not, however, intended to put a stop to love of God and love of neighbor.
The law of love supercedes the law of rest! Jesus shows the fallacy of the Pharisees' legalism by pointing to God's intention for the Sabbath: to do good and to heal. God's word has power to heal and to set free from ignorance, error, intolerance, and prejudice.
Do you honor the Lord's Day with appropriate rest and worship, and do you treat your neighbor with love and compassion at all times?
"Lord, may I always honor you, both in my work and in my rest, and in the way I treat my neighbor. Fill me with your love and keep me free from a critical and intolerant spirit that I may always seek the good of my neighbor in every situation."